This morning, like on most weekdays, I got up from bed at ungodly 6:20 a.m., I rolled up the window shade, looked at the street covered in freshly fallen snow (seriously, at easter? at these latitudes?), and started humming Twenty-Twenty Surgery by Taking Back Sunday. It actually took me a while to figure out what song it was because I haven't listened to this band in quite some time.
A few minutes later, even though the process of waking up still wasn't fully underway, it finally struck me why I was humming this particular song. The brain sometimes works in mysterious ways and the associations do not always make much sense. People who understand this, work in advertising. However, in hindsight, this one was kinda obvious...
Justin Timberlake is everywhere right now. His newest record sold almost one milion copies in the first week in the US alone, and the universal praise makes it impossible to avoid. Needless to say, 20/20 Experience already peacefully dwells on my hard drive, and as hard as it may be to admit, it has me curious. It must wait, though, because now, after all these years, it's time to give Louder Now a spin or two.
I used to be a lot into TBS. And by "a lot", I mean A LOT. Along with Green Day, Linkin Park or My Chemical Romance, they used to shape my music taste in the formative years. Louder Now was the record that got me into them and by far my most favourite. There wasn't one weak track, and every anthem, from Liar to Error: Operator hit me just as hard. The album delivered exactly what the title promised, and I would play it at maximum volume more often than it would've been healthy. However, what I didn't know back then, the band's career curve had already started going downhill...
But that's a whole another story. Louder Now is great for what it is, uncompromising and accomplished straightforward rock album. Right now, I'm enjoying it just as much as I used to.