Sunday 9 February 2014

Everything Is Awesome!!!

Everytthing is awesome! Everything is cool when you're part of a team!

You guessed it. I went to see The Lego Movie over the weekend and words cannot describe how much excited I am about it. It's extremely funny, heartfelt, and all around perfect. I've been a fan of Phil Lord and Chris Miller ever since the first "Cloudy" movie, but they really outdid themselves this time around. All the cast did an amazing job voicing the characters, but Morgan Freeman gets to say the funniest lines. If you have ever held a Lego brick in your hand, do yourself a favour and go see it now.

Much has been also written about the insanely catchy main song, but what I didn't know was, that it was sung by Tegan and Sara and also featuring The Lonely Island. Whatever you think of it, you can't deny it has a certain brainwashing quality. I love it.

Your thoughts?


  1. It's... interesting. I like the instrumentation, but can't say I'm fond of Tegan and Sara. I do, however, like some of TLI's stuff (Especially from their first album.) The second part by The Lonely Island kinda reminds me of the end of America (F*** Yeah) by DVDA (From the Team America World Police movie).

  2. And what are your thoughts on the movie? Are you gonna watch it some day? Or do you even like LEGOs for that matter? :)

    I HAVE to watch Team America. Despite being a huge South Park fan, I've never seen it...

    1. In all honesty, I hadn't even heard of it until you posted this. I'll probably eventually watch it, although it may be a while. I loved LEGOs as a kid, and would probably still play with them if I still had them.

      As for TA-WP, I wasn't really that fond of the movie. I just liked the soundtrack. It was OK, I guess.

    2. Please do, if you have the chance, there's something in it for everyone, I guess.
