Monday, 16 July 2012


At first, I wasn't a big fan of Japandroids' sophomore record, but eventually, Celebration Rock won me over. Even though after a few tracks the choruses kinda blend together, I can't but enjoy every single one of its humble 35 minutes. This is a straightforward rock album. So much it even makes you wonder when rock bands forgot to record albums like this. There's no catch, no twist, no synths. Just one anthem after another without ever losing pace.

When you listen to the single below, you'll get a good glimpse of what you can expect from the whole record. Your thoughts?


  1. interesting. Sounds like something I would have really liked in high school. I will give the album a full spin or two and see if it sticks.

  2. The peculiar think is the amount of rave reviews this album gets, even on Pitchfork.
