Tuesday 16 March 2010

The very first post on my very first blog.

For Sam, Sparkle, King Uta, Cornell, Lenwë, st. tropez, Chris, Miky and all the others I'm sorry I forgot about...

Well, I'm not good at writing, but it's slightly less frustrating for me to write in English than in Czech, so anyway, I'd like to say a few things... Sam's blog Awesome Rock has been taken down thanks to the jerks from blogger (just like Rock Hall of Fame before that), and so our little so-called community needed a new place to meet. Luckily, I happened to have some free time on my hands to start this new blog today, because the shoutbox just seems to be the easiest and most convenient way to share music we like. Besides, I didn't like the idea of invading and annexing another blog.

Since this is the second time that "our" blog has been shut down, I thought that this time we did it without direct links to rapidshare and other hosting services under the posts, just myspace links etc. so that this site doesn't get deleted again. If anyone of you has some thougts or if you are willing to contribute here, just let me know, I would gladly give you the admin rights because I don't mean to run this thing alone. If you have any ideas about the blog, I'd be pleased to hear them...

Joining a song I enjoyed...

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