Friday 8 June 2012


Well, it was about time. The Gaslight Anthem's new single has been out for quite some time, but it wasn't until now that they've released a music video for the song too. Here it is. I have no doubts the new record's gonna be fantastic, and that's something I can't say about any other band right now...

The new album, Handwritten, comes out on July 24.


  1. i've tried and tried so hard to get into this band. Everyone raves about them on I just haven't been able to yet. I think a lot is the vocalist. Really gruff vocals. But, I will admit, I like '45' better than anything else i've heard. Let's hope the new CD turns me into a fan.

  2. I can see why his voice puts some people off, but I got used to it very fast. He is similar to Tom Gabel from Against Me! (or at least before the sex change) and thanks to him, I even got into Springsteen...

    1. All hail Springsteen! But if anything has a shot of scoring a perfect 10 and toppling the Boss from the top of my list this year, it's Gaslight. Not much longer now!

  3. YES! I was trying to figure out who he reminded me of. Sounds like Against Me! Which would make since, cause I never got into them either. I don't know if it's just the punk rock genre that I am having trouble with, or the vocals. Oh well, will check out 45 when it comes out for sure.

  4. What about The Horrible Crows, did you like Elsie?
